Oh so many things I NEED to do…like blog.
But it’s 11:09 and I’m so tired I can’t see straight.
I have the head cold crud but on the positive side, the head crud always weakens my appetite, so food has been less of a temptation and I finally lost the Haiti Five (those annoying five pounds I gained in Haiti over the summer and then just couldn’t shake back off). I know, I don’t NEED to diet, but I have that magic weight number just like everyone else has and when you’re over it, whether by a little or a lot, you just don’t FEEL as good.
And I like feeling good. Speaking of feeling good, I’ve been exercising regularly for a little over a month now and I finally feel a difference. Yay!
I also NEED to get back to digi-scrapping. I hopped into photoshop tonight to see if I still remembered how to do it, since I told my cousin I’d make her up an invite for her girls first birthday in a month or so…and wow….couldn’t believe how rusty I was. I haven’t used photoshop for anything except photography in months now. Oops. One of these days I’ll have time again…maybe….lol.
Oh my “Need List” just goes on and on, but right now I NEED to sleep.
Just a warning, my need list is so long right now, that blogging is way far down the need list and will probably be sporadic over the next few weeks…but I always NEED comment love, so feel free to nudge me here and there when I disappear into that strange mysterious world of Busy.