Friday, March 16, 2012


Loves company, don’t ya know? 

I did a little yoga with one of my friends last night.  I always thought yoga was just twisting your body into odd positions while you meditate on the universe.  Turns out yoga is actually exercise and I’m feeling it today.  *great big googly eyes*  LOL. 

Now if I can just make myself keep doing it alone.  Unfortunately, exercise is miserable, and misery loves company.  bwahaha. 


  • I’m blogging while I wait on my iPod to finish it’s software update.
  • I’m actually really hungry because I haven’t had breakfast and snack last night was nil since at the moment last night when I can usually be found vegging with a snack in one hand and computer mouse in the other, I was instead twisting up my body into a human pretzel. 
  • I want to go upstairs and find something unhealthy to eat.  But I have to wait on this stinkin update. 
  • At least this way, my blog will not fall victim to another entire week without a post.
  • I love Fridays.
  • My iPod just beeped.  I think it might be finished.
  • Wait…now my apps need updating. 
  • I’m really hungry. 
  • I’m going to stop with the play by play randomness. 
  • You’re welcome.  =)

1 comment:

  1. lol. I love doing Yoga on my Wii. I still do some of the stretches since I've been pregnant, but can't do them all. Just some of the basic ones. :) I love it. After Lori and I did our MS ride a couple years ago, we took an outdoor yoga class and it really helped after such a long ride. :) Keep it's not too hard.


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