Sunday, November 07, 2010

Fall Back

Today I’m thankful for “fall back” time….it feels like I’ve had an extra hour all day long.  LOL.  I know I really didn’t, but it just felt like it.  =)  First this morning when KC got up at FOUR (that’s because he fell asleep at 8:30 by the new time) and I rolled over and fell back asleep for another 3 hours.  And then again after lunch when I looked at the clock and it said 3:30 and it was actually 2:30.  *grin*  Yeah!  It’s one of the things that helps fall begin to make up for being the reason summer had to disappear.  ;-)

Anyway, today was the first day that I didn’t make the bed up all the way to decorative pillows.  I HAVE stuck to the cleaning at least one thing a day thing though…even while I was sick, so at least I feel good about that one.  =)

And tomorrow’s another day…thank God! 

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