Sunday, April 15, 2012

I’ve Been BUSY!

Yeah, so the kids had spring break this week but that kinda means it was anything BUT a break.  LOL.  I have been swamped and there have been several days in a row where I didn’t even open my computer (except for the couple times I had actual work) and then it was only for a few minutes.  No time to kill doing meaningless things like….oh you know…blogging. 

Sometimes I wonder if I should even bother.  Seems like the whole blogging thing is dying off.  I don’t know if there is more than one or two on my IRL friends that have posted in the last year (or two).  Everybody’s just busy.  And then I get paranoid and figure that the only people who still read this thing are probably stalkers…hahaha.  I laugh, but I’m only half kidding.  Half, as in, I know four of you who come here to keep up with us because you’re related in some way.  The other four readers…well…I haven’t figured out yet why you’re here.  It’s all good though (I hope…lol). 

IMG_0234webAnyway…since it’s been awhile since I posted (and since I’ve gotten pictures off my camera)…I should probably check to make sure I’m not overlapping information…okay…I’m back.  I’ve posted since this picture, but since it was on my camera, not downloaded, let me just share this photo of our adorable one room cabin from our trip to Pigeon Forge a few weekends ago.  I was standing in the kitchen to take that picture and in the picture, you can see the corner of the fireplace, the end of the couch, and the bed, so you can see how cozy it was…lol!  But it was perfect.  I loved it! 

Spring break this week, I kept the kids moving…best way to keep mom’s hair all in her head…lol.  Then I took them to a kid’s museum a couple of towns over and then to mawmaw for the rest of the week.  And you’d think with the kids gone for 3.5 days, it would be home free for me, right?  Nope…not with the slavedriver I mean, awesome -- hubby around!!!  hahahaha

These are pics from the kids museum…they LOVED this kid sized grocery store! 


And puppet show

IMG_0246weband they loved climbing all over this fire truck and ringing the bells and pressing the pedals…it was an adorable place.  They wanted to stay much longer than we actually had time for…=)IMG_0254web

IMG_0259web And of course, I did a lot of outside work this week.  This is my dad’s rain gutter garden box contraption, which holds my herbs (so far only a couple basil plants are visible)!  LOL.  I painted it dark grey and now it looks less like cinder blocks, gutter, recycled 2 liter bottles, and 2x4s (although of course, there’s nothing wrong with ANY of those things) and more like a unique set of window boxes…haha.  I’m proud of my daddy, he can make anything work!  It might not always look fancy, but it usually works!  That’s what I have my daddy for…to make it work…the fancy is my job.  Winking smile 


Also my job is to battle the OCD that would like to take over.  Do you know how TEMPTED I was to go back and make all those popsicle stick labels perfectly lined up at the same angles for the picture?  I forced myself to resist.  I won.  You can look at the picture and tell which “I” that was (the OCD I or the resisting I).  LOL! 

I’m really tired and that makes for bad blogging, so I’m gonna hop off here an hit the hay.  Thanks for enduring.  =)



  1. I love what you and your Dad did! What a great idea for plant boxes! I'm sure it was a great money saver too, which of course is always the best way to go! :) Dads are always super handy to have around...especially when they are helping you with projects. :) (But of course just b/c we love them too.)

    I got some more herbs this Saturday and planted them too. I'm not going to worry with a big garden this year, for obvious reasons...but I still wanted my herb garden. The only thing I forgot to get was basil. I'll have to be sure and take care of that tomorrow. ;)

  2. Anonymous2:01 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Gah! Typos got me. Had to re-do that one.

    Boy have you been busy! Your blog/pages look great BTW . Thanks for stopping by. It was great to hear from you :) I think blogging has its cycles as well as bloggers. They hit it hard and then they get burnt out after a while. It happens. Sounds like you just need to recharge a bit.

    We ended up taking Triston to Tybee for his spring break. He loves going there but oh my were we busy! I had no idea you were into Photography or Web design. That's awesome. Don't let the OCD monster get you ;) Have a good week!

  4. LOL Im such a little kid!! I LOVE kid Senses!! :) Especially the grocery store!! :D


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