Sunday, January 17, 2010

Momma? I need to talk for a minute.

I need to tell you sumfin.  You forgot to pray. 

Um, no, honey, we all just finished having prayer.  And now it’s time to go to sleep.

No, momma, YOU didn’t pray.  And I didn’t pray. 

No, but Daddy prayed with all of us just a few minutes ago.

But I need to pray. 

Well, okay, go ahead. 

Dear God--
Please help me go to Nonna and Poppa’s house.  Please help me go to Mawmaw and Pawpaw’s house.  And help Bubba.  Aaaaa-men.

-Bedtime conversations with K-man (January 2010)


  1. Awwww....sweet. Levi usually insists on praying for every meal. If Mike prays, Levi will sometimes get frustrated because HE wanted to pray....

    Aaaahhhh...the joys of parenthood!!!

  2. Awe, how sweet! :o)

  3. cherish every moment.... one of these days they will be gone and have their own famlies... I know that must sound like so very far away.... but believe me it flys fast..

  4. How sweet! you got 2 sweet kids. I love them both.

  5. Anonymous6:23 PM

    awe that is so sweet! Love that K-man! ;)
    ~K~ sprinkles

  6. LOL! That's too perfectly adorable!!

    ...although I have a sneaking suspicion he might have been stalling. At least Ali would have been if she'd tried that!



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