Sunday, September 27, 2009

I’m Drowning!

In wedding pictures!  LOL! 

IMG_0267ewebSpeaking of getting a little rained on….


Welllll anyway. 

IMG_0394ewebMore pictures posted over on the Photography Blog…or click here.

There are a bunch of pictures.  Sheesh.  

I really hope Tosh loves them…especially since this is my last wedding.  (lol) 

Really.  Probably.  Um.  Anyway!

I do think I’m gonna invest in some rain gear though because taking pictures in the rain was actually quite entertaining!  *grin*  And my redneck camera raincoat (aka Ziploc baggie) was…well…whatever.  It worked.  And umbrellas will be a good investment also…*grin*

I don’t think they will keep me from drowning, though. 

Alright…bedtime for this girl…later, ya’ll!

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