Tuesday, June 16, 2009

An Unpremeditated Day

Yeah.  I just wanted to use a long word that meant “random.”

And also because today just kinda….well…it was definitely unpremeditated. 

I started out running late.  I did have two appointments (get the cats to the groomers at 9 and a birthday party at 6) and I had a general idea of things that needed to be done in between those appointments (most of which DIDN’T). 

Then.  Despite my BEST effort to not give ANY indication of the first appointment, SOMEHOW, Snowball was NOWHERE to be found.  I swan…that cat has a sixth sense somehow.  I didn’t have to chase her like usual, but I couldn’t FIND her.  Took me about half an hour (on top of already running late) and I finally found her (she had crawled up INSIDE the recliner).  Dumb cat.  So I get the cats in their boxes finally and the kids herded out the door….and hum.  My car keys are not in their spot.  OH YES, KC drove the car to the store last night. 

Had a moment of panic in which I thought the keys might still be in his pocket and now a half hour AWAY, then I searched the living room kitchen area a SECOND time, panicked again, and called him.  Check the tables, he says.  Finally found them under a pile of papers on his NIGHTSTAND.  Such a logical location.  (Love ya, honey)

Finally got everything and everyone to their locations.  The cat groomer is about half an hour away so I really didn’t want to take the cats, come home, and then turn around and get them, so I decided to hit the thrift stores in that particular town and see if that would kill enough time.  Okay, and really…any excuse to go thrifting, right? 

Found some pieces we can use for VBS along with a couple of other neat little things.

Went to a couple of other stores. 

Munchkin saw a little frog sitting on the sidewalk outside this one store we were coming out of and when I looked around and realized it had somehow gotten into the middle of this concrete and glass Shopping Center and had nowhere to go that wouldn’t result in death, I had to rescue it.  I didn’t kiss it though.  I already found my prince.  Besides, I looked humorous enough just trying to catch the crazy thing.  I finally caught it, and the Munchkin and I returned it to the grassy field at the far end of the shopping center.  We wished it a happy, non-squished life and went to the car to squirt up with anti-bacterial gel. 

Then it was close to lunchtime and the groomer said about 45 more minutes.  So I drove around the little town trying to get to McDonalds.  Got lost, and ended up finding a park before I found my way back out of the little dead end street maze I got stuck in, so I noted it and then after we went to McD’s we took our food back to that park and ate and Munchkin played for a bit. 

While I was out, I got the call from DSS…our case for K-man that bio-mom appealed to the state level was overturned on a technicality (not because she should get another chance to get him back).  The TPR hearing somehow wasn’t approved in court and was amended instead of going through court again to be approved like it should have, so basically that means that we have to go through the termination hearing at the local level all over again.  If she hadn’t appealed, it would have stood and been fine, but the local decision was overturned by the state because they saw the paperwork wasn’t quite straight.  It is a bit frustrating but they said that nothing changes, she doesn’t get visits or anything, we just have to do it again and hope that this time she won’t appeal.  They said they are going to throw everything they have into the case this time (which I’m guessing they don’t generally do, they must only put the bare minimum of information…just enough to prove the child doesn’t need to return) and I’m hoping if they put down EVERYTHING, hopefully she won’t even try to appeal it.  So aggravating. 

Anyways….fast forward. 

Went to the big town in the OTHER direction for the party this evening…the Munchkin and I picked up the K-man and went early so I could get the rest of the stuff for VBS picked up.  Was in the Hobby Lobby and smelled something.  Rank.  “Munchkin tooted,” he says.  Sure, okay, whatever.  But I KEEP smelling it.  So I check.  OH PEACHY.  Munchkin tooted, my foot! 

So we went to the bathroom to clean up…and it just wasn’t happenin’.  Let’s just put it this way…he went commando for the rest of the evening.  Side note to the Hobby Lobby, just hold your nose when you take out the trash, kay?  K-man left you a little buried treasure.

Did the whole birthday party thing and came home to finish vacuuming up the carpet powder I left on there when I left for the big town… and forgot that our LAST vacuum cleaner blitzed after using that same powder a few months ago.  Double Oops.  Currently has no suction.  And carpet powder dust is floating in the air.  PHOOEY.  So on my list for tomorrow is to attempt to take vacuum cleaner apart and see if wiping all the dust out would help.  PHOO---EEY.

My day.  Totally unpremeditated. 

Dear God, thank you for watering the flowers and garden for me tonight.  After the day I’ve had, I needed a little help with my chores.  Do you think if I stuck my hampers on the porch, you could do my laundry, too???  Oh. Probably not?  Alright then.  Well.  I’m still grateful anyway.  =)


  1. What a day you had ! Ours was kinda crazy too . My car was in the repair shop . Long story . Thanks for coming to the party . Things kinda settled down there after 8pm ( not so busy ) . Oh well , tomorrow's another day .

  2. faith, I think i am going to have to steal your answer for when our agency calls us, "no for now, but call me if you can't find anyone."

    Seriously, I think I am going to have to write it on a piece of paper!!!!

  3. Hate to hear that about your boy. It isn't anything that God can't change though. Glad you had a great time at Tweetsie. Looks like the kids had fun! P.S. :) The laundry thing WOULD be kinda nice..... :)

  4. Sounds like a crazy day! I thought you were a little tired last night. ;-)

  5. Cute letter to God at the end. I laughed! :o) Sounds like you had a wild day. Nice post.


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