Friday, April 10, 2009

Live & Learn

First off, I just have to say....does anyone need a pet?  OR FIFTY?  Cuz really, ya''s been raining cats and dogs here ALL DAY!  (LOL)  I'm'll have to go find your pets somewhere else.  I mean, I am kidding on the pet offer, not on the raining part.  Haha.  Lesson Learned: Don't plan to get anything done on the backyard when you have such a perfect day AND A HUBBY HOME TO HELP...because it WILL RAIN ON YOUR PARADE.  Or shovel, rake, and wheelbarrow.

Also, while we're on the subject of the backyard, let me just go straight to Lesson learned: 17.61 ton of pea a LOT OF GRAVEL!!!!!  I think we could comfortably cover around 6 playground surfaces....sweet heavens!!  Lesson number two: A full to topplin' wheelbarrow load of pea gravel will be the near death of a person like myself to get up that teeny tiny (NOT) hill, yet it will not even put the slightest dent in either the pile of gravel, NOR the surface you're wishing to cover.  Oh the lessons I've learned with the backyard project.  We'll just move on....

By the way, on things I've learned, be sure to check out the first post in the Bloggy How-To Series if you're clueless about the Header aspect of your blog.

Next up: It is a true fact that you can tell how far away a storm is by counting seconds between thunder and lightning.  My husband made me prove my story by googling it.  So now I'm doubly sure.  And if you have a hard time dividing the seconds by five (you think I'm nuts, quick, tell me what's 11 divided by 5?!?) check out this handy dandy lightning calculator (of course, if you're out in the middle of a storm and you wonder how close it is, this calculator will be of no use...or you may have already been struck by lightning and no longer care).  Lesson learned: Wow.  Where do I start?  Um...I actually learned the dividing by 5 part tonight.  I also learned that my kids have Ceraunophobia and possibly Astraphobia as well.  Oh and let's not forget the lesson of my husband insulting my intelligence by making me google it before he'd believe me.  HAHA. I'm kidding.  Besides, I was calculating wrong so I guess it's good that he didn't believe me.  LOL!  One last thing, I learned that I should always be inside during a thunderstorm so I can use the lightning calculator.  HA...I'M KIDDING.  I should stay inside because it's safer.  NO WORRIES, MOTHER!  LOL!

Last of all, I tried to use a small word.  Or so I thought.  Que.  As in: waiting in line....but the spellchecker caught me.  Huh.  How else would you spell it?  Well. Google to the rescue again.  According to the dictionary result that google found for me, que is not spelled like that.  Nor is it "cue."  Lesson learned: If your husband tells you how to spell something, he needs a google check, too!  Also, queue is the actual spelling, and no, it doesn't LOOK right, but it still is.  And just in case you wondered, I was using definition 3b of the word queue.

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of lessons for my tired brain to take in at one time right now. Maybe I'll come back again. And did I even know that queue meant "waiting in line"? I think I was thinking of a spanish term with her first spelling and with the actually spelling, I'm not sure I would have known the word even if I heard you speak it. *LOL*


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