Thursday, July 03, 2008

Random Conversations

This morning while getting ready to eat breakfast:
Mommy: "Do you want to pray, Munchkin?"
Munchkin: "Yes. Thank you for this food, bless our bodies, Amen. (pause) Oh yeah, bless Bruder Ken, Amen. (pauses and looks up to find me looking at her strangely b/c she very very rarely puts any addendums on her prayers) Mommy, Bruder Ken need pwa-er today."
Mommy (chuckling a little bit): "Yes, honey, that was very good of you."

While I was changing a yucky diaper:
Mommy: "Why did you do *'ew gross' in your diaper instead of the potty?"
K-man: "Cu I sai so."
Mommy (trying NOT to crack a smile): "K-man, no, you don't tell mommy that."
*ew gross is his term for poo....I guess because every time I change his diaper, it's discusting and I say "ew, GROSS." LOL!!!

When I got into the car after loading up four bags of trash in the back to take to the dump:
Munchkin: "Good GOB (job), mommy! You have BIG muscles. When I grow up, I have big muscles like you, right?"

After watching Daddy put a bandaid on his finger:
Munchkin: "Daddy, you need Bruder Ken to pway for your finger. I'll tell him he needs to pway for you, kay?" (Then she tracks me down on the other end of the house and explains the situation with daddy's finger to me and says "Mommy, I 'mind (remind) Bruder Ken to come pway for daddy's finger, kay?")

(for some reason, she is stuck on "Bruder Ken" today...LOL...she prayed for "Bruder Ken and Kiter {Sister} Tesa" tonight at bedtime, too....after she asked me who all to pray for and I said, how bout the boys who stayed with us the other night, so she prayed for the boys and then added on the other ones....and then was like oh yeah and Kiby and Mo-gi. LOL!!!)

After leaving the bluegrass music this evening, sitting in the car while Daddy's pumping gas:
(a little history is that "Uncle Wally," which is what munchkin calls a guy I used to work with that I was talking to at the festival, was kidding around with the munchkin after I told him we were heading off to take our hot and grumpy kids to the air conditioned grocery store to pick up some much needed groceries and tells her, "Okay, I need toilet paper and laundry powder.....oh and FROSTED Flakes, too. Did you get all that?" Of course, she giggled, so I thought she caught on to the fact that he was kidding.....LOL.....okay so back to the car scene:)
Munchkin: "Mom, don't forget, when we get to the store, Unca Waw-we needs to'wet paper else?"
Mommy: "Frosted Flakes."
Munchkin: "YEAH. Fwosted Fwakes else?"
Mommy (laughing): "Honey, Uncle Wally was just playing with you. He doesn't really want you to get all those things for him."
Munchkin: "Nuh UH, he needs to-wet paper!!"
Mommy: "I'm sure if he needs it, he'll get it the next time he goes to the grocery store."
Munchkin (insistently): "No, he needs it NOW!"
Daddy gets in the car and hears the gist of the conversation and chuckles with mommy.
Daddy: "Really, Munchkin, he was kidding with you."
Munchkin: "Oh."

LOL!!! Funny....she believed Daddy. Haha.

Oh and here's an adult conversation in the grocery store that was slightly humorous:
Bag Boy (talking to me): "That's a cool shirt!" (I was wearing a company shirt from the place where I used to work)
Me: "Oh, thanks."
Bag Boy: "How much did you have to pledge to get one of those?"
Me (shrugging): "Well, I used to work there, so I kinda got it for free."
Bag Boy: "WOW. COOL! What did you do there?"
Me (laughing now): "Uh....well....designed these shirts."
Bag Boy: "Hey, that's really cool!"
Me (still laughing): "Well, thanks."
*EDITED TO ADD PHOTO....I had to delete the pertinent information that would be a dead giveaway to the location. LOL. Obviously it would look much better without the blurry and erased parts. LOL.*

Anywho. That's all that I can think of right now. I have dirty sandy feet from walking through the parking.....field (LOL)....and I need to get busy finishing my internet stuff so I can go wash my feet and go to bed.



  1. Hey! I wanna see this cool shirt you designed....

    And your Munchkin is a cutie-pie :) I liked the "Unca Wa-we" story and K-man's "EW Gross"

  2. It's funny that Munchkin was actually remembering "uncle wa-we's" supplies. Next time you see him have Munchkin hand him a roll of toilet paper. *loL*

  3. You tell her to keep sending them up. We need all we can get. I would say the Lord hears those little prayers clearer than most others.
    You have beautiful children! I love them.

  4. I love Munchking and I love how she talks, I think it is absolutely adorable!!! But just read through some of your blogs since we have been gone, sorry you had a bad night the other night...hard to imagine what that kid has gone through to be like that. Makes you want to go and hit, spit and kick the actual parents!!!

  5. She is so sweet. i too love to hear her talk. love ya


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