Thursday, September 13, 2007

She Said It Better....

This post is exactly how I feel. Only of course, I could never get it across like this. And of course, she's got how I feel times 5....LOL.

So anyways, what are you waiting for. Go read it.

Great post, Baggage. Thank you!


  1. went there... read it.... awesome!

  2. I do understand your frustration and the writers frustration to a point with Bio Parents, my oldest sons BioF has been a dead beat dad from the beginning and seems to only come around when it suits him, not when its best for Boo but himself. The most frustrating and HEARTBREAKING is Boo's unconditional love and patience that he has for this man who deserves none of it.
    After reading the writers blog, she puts into perspective the anger and hurt that comes with this but she also gives hope that we do not have to let the anger own us..really great writing. Thanks for posting it. Sorry this is so long, guess I had a lot more to say than I


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