Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Five O'Clock Somewhere

Well....right at this particular moment it's 5:07. AM. Ugh.

I'm really not sure why I'm awake, because I know I could easily go back to sleep, but I'm contemplating just staying up and goin ahead and starting to get ready for work a a lot....early. It might make up for all the times I've been running behind. Hehe.

Actually, I woke up because the munchkin must have been having a bad dream. She hollered out in a kind of really loud moan that woke me up across the hall, and I rolled out of bed and ran in there and rubbed her back and she instantly calmed and went back to a regular normal sleep. So then I lay there for a minute and listened to my stomach growl and decided to go see what time it was. And you five oclock you just wonder if it's not easier to just go ahead and get up instead of going back to bed for that last hour. *grin*

Well anyways. I think I'm into difficult. I'm seriously thinking about returning to bed.

But while I'm here, just wanted to say that I was smiling at the comments on the last post and thought I'd respond. Janelle, yes, she's making lots of progress, and I'm really happy about that. Jules, no worries, you are more than welcome to do your own Monday messages and by the way, I know it's been a month since you were married and I am dreadfully sorry it's taking me so long to get those pictures done. *embarrassed grin* Not to mention I still owe you a wedding gift...LOL. And Rochelle, bless your heart....I know what you mean. =) Thanks for all of the comments, guys.

So. Difficult. Me. Going back to bed now. LOL



  1. LOL!! I had to reread the first few lines a few times... at first you met 5 PM and I thought, wait... it's not 5 on the East coast yet. Then I read it and thought, surely she is not up at 5 a.m. So I read it again and I was like... yep! She was up!

    Poor Munchin. Maybe she was dreaming that someone stole her Oreo cookie or something!

    Were you able to fall back to sleep?

  2. it should have read, "at first I thought you meant 5PM"

    I should be an English teacher. :)

  3. LOL! Unfortunately, yes, I did fall back asleep. I was also fifteen minutes late for work. Not that they care or anything since it's pretty much just work your hours whenever....LOL. Oh well.


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