Saturday, September 08, 2007 titles are all the same.

Yuck. I hate that. Both the fact that I'm so busy all the time and that my titles are all so boring. LOL.

Well anyways, sometimes I enjoy the busy. Like I'm editing some of my friend's pictures....I'm enjoying the fact that, although I did stress a little over how they would turn out, I'm pretty happy that I was busy with doing their pictures today b/c they turned out really good. (Well, I think they look pretty good, anyways. I hope they feel the same. =) We'll see.


You can see the rest of the ones I've edited so far on my photography blog.

Other updates from today.....I talked KC into helping me get the Munchkin's "big bed" up from the basement today. And at this point, I think I MAY have talked KC into letting me get creative with it. I'll take pictures when I'm finished.....if it turns out good, that is. And IF I don't get otherwise sidetracked....which does occasionally......well, okay, maybe more than occasionally......anyways....what was I saying? Oh yeah. Sidetracked. Whatever.


I'm in a mischievous mood tonight. You probably couldn't tell that though. Right? Sure.

Oh by the way, back to the big bed thing again (not that I was sidetracked or anything), the munchkin LUVED the big bed. We hadn't even dusted it off from being in the basement, til she was leaning on it and half closing her eyes and saying, "me sleepy, mommy. My night night time now?"


Ya'll know, that just don't happen.

And she didn't complain a whole awful lot tonight when it was REALLY time to go to bed, either.

Although keeping her from using it as a giant trampoline is going to be a terrible chore. *sigh*

I'm into paragraphs tonight. You couldn't tell that either, right? Just thought I'd throw that in there.

Oh and she still was happy with the bed, despite the problems I discovered with the brand new, pink, full size, sheet set that I bought for her new "big bed." Like the problem of the pink fitted sheet that I pulled out of the packet that clearly said "FULL" was actually a twin. Not a chance that THAT booger was going on the FULL size bed. Then I went and got a sheet out of the closet and unfolded it and realized that it, too, guessed it.....duh, me.

After she got over the issues she had with the fact that I packed her new pink sheets back in the package to return instead of putting them on her bed......well, after that, and the incident with the OTHER twin sheet not fitting.....she was pretty happy when i found a green set that fit a full size bed. And she wasn't too mad about the fact that I don't have her bedspread/comforter yet (it helped that I had a cozy blanket to throw on there and laid her little dora bedspread on top of that). She was just tickled that mommy was going to get to lay down next to her on her "big bed" when it was time for night night tonight. *grin*

Anywhoooo, now that I've bored you to tears with all the details on the "big bed" saga...

Oh more. I almost forgot.....

Here is exactly what popped out of her mouth when we had put the big bed in and she got to sit on it for the very first time. Looking very pleased with herself, in a completely serious (yet excited) tone, she says, "Coo-ul." And I'm not kidding. It was very distinct. Cracked me up. Wonder if she's picked that one up from me? Hey. Cool!


Anyways....are you crying yet?

Don't worry....I'll stop now.


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