Sunday, May 13, 2007

To My Moms....

For all the Moms in my life.....(as I seem to have something in me that cries out to be mothered)

My biological mom first:
For raising me right, not spoiling me, for loving me regardless of my driving skills, putting up with my teenage attitude, occasionally "telling me like it is", not letting me get by with murder (even when I wanted to kill my little brother), being a sympathetic ear when I need some reassurance, for babying me when I'm sick even now after I'm all grown up, for treating me like an adult, being a best friend, and constantly nagging me to eat healthier....THANK YOU! I love you!

My mother-in-law:
For raising my husband to know how to treat a in particular, not spoiling him, loving him and me regardless of my driving skills and housecleaning habits, for checking in to see how my week is going from time to time, for coming over to watch munchkin while I went to scrapbook with my friends and then cleaning my house while you were there, for the yummy recipes you pass along, the wisdom you never hesitate to impart, and for your blessing for me to be your son's wife.....THANK YOU! I love you!

My co-worker, Susan:
For all the conversations that make the days less boring, Friday lunches, being my walking buddy (although we kinda got sidetracked from that....we need to get back to it), listening to me vent, being a good friend, and nagging me about being too skinny.........Thank you! You rock!

My ex-supervisor, Karen:
For consistently nagging me to stay healthy in place of my mom who I saw less often at the time, always reminding me to take my vitamins, insisting that I try to get some rest so the circles under my eyes would go away, being sympathetic when I complained about the rough time I was getting on my second job....she doesn't read this blog, but I'll always appreciate her for that.

Everyone else that I don't have time to mention b/c it's really late and there is only ten minutes left of mothers day....and tomorrow is know....MONDAY. And I have to get up early. Yuck.

So anyways. Ya'll. Happy Mother's Day. I love you. Thank you!

And all the other wonderful mom's out there. Even if your kids are too oblivious to let you know, they appreciate you and so do I. Now, more than ever.....mommy-ing is hard work. But it's important work. And it has a life-long effect.

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