Wednesday, September 20, 2006

To My Anonymous Commenters...

Are you the same person or do I have two anonymous commenters? I'm not sure if I like the anonymous thing....since I have no clue who you might you think you could add a name at the end (preferrably YOUR name...LOL) or would that defeat the purpose? *GRIN* I'm assuming that the reason for posting anon. is because you're a blogger that isn't beta yet, in which case, you're really not trying to hide who you are and not that you really don't want me to know who you are. either case...I have guessed the following (perhaps correct, and perhaps not...which is usually the case when guessing....LOL):
  • You probably do not know me in real life, since I don't think any choir members that I know in real life read this blathering bit of webspace.
  • You must have read at least a few entries since you are used to my randomness.
  • You might be Denise or Becky since you (or at least ONE of my anonymous posters) are involved in a choir.
  • The anon. person who is involved in a choir...I sense a kindred sense of humor....which reminds me of comments by Denise in the past.
  • The anon. person who can't read the right column of this blog sounds like a totally different person....and that comment was a little confusing....could that commenter please email me so I can figure out if that problem is something I can fix or not....probably not, but maybe its got something to do with the size of your screen, b/c the only column that is blocked on my screen (and only when the screen is not maximized) is the left column and who needs to read my profile anyways. just email me if you're still having problems. thats all the guessing I have for now. Did I win, did I win? LOL.

Susan, hope its going well for you is boring without you here to make me laugh!

Well, my lunch is going to be over if I don't get busy and get some food, so Happy Hump day, ya'll and catch ya....



  1. Anonymous3:02 PM

    OMGOSH I haven't been out here for a couple days and I'm totally cracking up. After I posted the other day about the choir thing I thought I should have put my name but didn't take the time to go back and edit. Sorry. And Denise was having trouble reading the right side of your blog, but I don't have problems. She made her window smaller and it worked. Strange and Random happenings. LOL *BECKY*

  2. ROFL! Well...that is good to know! *GRIN* No biggie...I enjoyed the guessing was fun. LOL! Well...random things happen on random blogs...guess its just a fact of life. And I like getting your comments whether or not I know who you are. *GRIN*


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