Friday, July 28, 2006

I'm back....

So we're in the hotel now and its 11:33pm. Unfortunately, I can't get any pictures up maybe later.

I'm soooo tired....*yawn* I really should go to bed. I'll just make this brief.... =)

Quick recap of Episodes I & II of Looney {lady} Tunes (since its so late I need a quick reminder of where I got to...*smiles*):

70-ish - grandmotherly type body shape - fashion diva wannabe - been going to college forever - possessive of her RTV boys/men - doesn't like women - doesn't like me ---- and that brings us to the end of episode II....

..."don't worry, none of us believed her, we just thought that someone should tell you."
So then he says................

"LL is telling all the guys in class down there that she followed you home one day and she followed you to the Rainbow Inn and watched*take guys in for money*"

I don't remember exactly how he put that last part, but I remember my face heating up....then I had to laugh....I was like, "where is the Rainbow Inn?? I don't even know where that is AT...she must have followed the wrong person...either that or its her imagination!" {side note here that I think I found the place she was talking about...this sleazy lil pit over on main st in *the town where I work*....*shuddering* of the places you wouldn't catch me DEAD in, much less doing the things she was saying I was doing...SHEESH}

It seems like she was saying something else about that, too, but I really don't remember what it was....that was the gist of it though. I couldn't help but laugh...I mean...sheesh...come ON...hel-lo...i was all of like 16 or 17, barely driving myself to work, living with my parents who would flip out if I didn't call to let them know if I was running five minutes late for the daily family meal at suppertime. Where in that scenario do you get me even finding time to slip away to see a friend, much less MULTIPLE GUYS. Yep, definitely an overactive imagination at work here.

She's definitely got something not working right up there......

Stay tuned...more to come....probably Monday. Might see if I can use my spying camera lens to get her picture without her seeing that legal? I think maybe since its in a public place it would be....or maybe I'll just walk up and tell her I'm making her famous and I need her'd probably be happy about that though....or maybe I'll just take her picture and blur out her face for privacy.....hehe. If I might step aside for a psychoanalyzing moment here....I think she has attention deficit disorder....and not the kind where you can't pay attention, I think she feels like she is deficit of the attention she feels like she merits...bless her heart. If she only knew......

Okay...its midnight and I'm turning into a pumpkin....oh wait, thats not right....wasn't it the carriage that turned into a pumpkin at midnight? What does Cinderella turn into at midnight?

Told you I was tired....LOL.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.....

Later, ya'll!

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