Thursday, April 20, 2006

My latest "discovery"

I have decided that life is full of busy-ness and I should enjoy the slow moments because it will pick up again before I know it and then I will be wondering why I was so upset at being bored.

Yes, things are getting busy again. No such thing as downtime anywhere in the near future, so why didn't I just enjoy being bored on Monday? Ahhh...regret....why do I torture myself this way? This is no way to enjoy my life. Unfortunately, like so many people, I have a lot of regrets. In my opinion, its not healthy to live in the past, so I just own up to any mistakes, resolve and occasionally remind myself to never repeat them, and then move on.

I think today is a good day for that occasional reminder.
  • I regret that I didn't continue taking courses at the college after I went to the trouble of getting started. Now life is so busy that I don't have much free time and what I do have, I like to spend with KC. (This is one that can still be solved though...I'm working on that)
  • I regret that I didn't appreciate my grandmother more before she died. I could have gone to visit more or at least been more respectful and patient. (Can't fix this one, but I can be more appreciative of other older people in my life)
  • I regret that we didn't start sooner in trying to find out why we haven't had kids yet. (but better late than never)
  • I regret that I have missed opportunities to share Jesus. (Can't change that either, but I can take the opportunities that present themselves in the future...and still not be pushy about it)

Okay...there are other (and more serious) regrets that I could mention, but that's enough for one day. I can only take so many reminders in one dose before I get grumpy over all my shortcomings. I can't change the past, but I can do my best to alter my future.

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